The Wednesday Forum is one of the longest running discussion programs held at UUC.
The program was started many years ago and maintained by the dedication of UUC members.
All are welcome.

Check the '
Calendar' section of this site to see what is the current schedule for The
Wednesday Forum.

A Glimpse into the Forum:
The Forum is a chance for us to speak our minds on issues of the day, to share our ever expanding understandings of
the World as it relates to each of our roles in it, to participate in an open and respectful discourse, to pass on personal
insights, in a loosely structured yet facilitated way, noting:

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Einstein

There's an alternative. There's always a third way, and it's not a combination of the other two ways. It's a different
way. - David Carradine

Not business as usual - TED

You must be the change you wish to see in the World. - Gandhi

Example topics:

Great Decisions Foreign Policy Series....................................................UN Reform - The Seattle Project
Uniting Peoples and Nations................................................................Surfing the net - Hands-on Look
NW Earth Institute Sense of Place.......................................................Local Election Reviews
Field Trips to City Council, Mosque… ...................................................Guest Speaker Discussions
Brainstorming Techniques/Idea Creation...............................................Analytical Methods for Problem Solving
Articles from Ode Magazine................................................................Occasional Light-hearted Social Gatherings
Video Excerpts from: DemocracyNow, PBS Now, Daily Show, South Park, Documentaries, Webcasts
In-Depth Look at other Forums, eg World Economic Forum, TED, Dropping Knowledge

The Atmosphere at the Forum is semi-informal. It is important for all who want to say their piece to be able
to do so. A Self-disciplined, informal use of Guidelines based on Socratic Dialogue is recommended.

Words from Tim, the co-facilitator:
It has been an honour to assist in the facilitation of this Forum since 2005. My gratitude to UUC for providing a
wonderful meeting room setting and to the participants for allowing me to interact with this Forum as a prototype for
the Seattle UN Reform Project. This gratitude knows no bounds.

As a participant and facilitator for the Forum, it concerns me greatly that so many of our valuable people assets,
particularly our retired members of society (and our youth), have far too much to share for the rest not to take notice.
This Forum intends to provide the Platform for those voices. As Director for a series of Projects in the NW which aim to
trek in new or alternative directions, i try to listen intently to each voice expressed (as well as those not expressed)
and integrate those views into these community educational Projects. The Forum stands at the very edge of these bold
Projects. We have so many talents in our very midst. The Forum is an avenue to express those otherwise suppressed
talents, voices, ears. It never ceases to amaze me, what wonders are in our very midst. I am so grateful for the
voices, the ears who come to share. I am here to live what Anais Nin once wrote,

". . . and the time came when the risk it took to remain in a tightly closed bud became infinitely more painful than the
risk it took to blossom."
The Wednesday Forum
Pillars of Sage Spanning the Centuries

Time: every Wednesday from 11a to 1p
(15 minute bag lunch at High Noon)

Place: the Knatvold Room - the adjoining meeting rooms to
University Unitarian Church at 6556 - 35th Ave NE in Seattle Wedgwood